Get Paid +$28.18 EVERY 10 Minutes FROM Google Translate! $845.40/Day (Make Money Online 2024)
September 10, 2024 | by

How to Make $30 Every 10 Minutes Using Google Translate
In this blog post, I’m going to show you how you can make $30 every 10 minutes, up to $180 per hour. For this method, you’re going to be using Google Translate. I want to start off by saying that this method is not one of those transcription methods or one where you have to write a blog post. This is a different way of making money.
With this method, you can actually make around $25 to $30 every 10 minutes. You don’t get paid per hour; you get paid every 10 minutes. So, one hour has 6 intervals of 10 minutes. Let’s do the math: $30 times 6 equals $180 that you could potentially be making using this method. Most people who use this method actually do it for around four to five hours every single day. Let’s do the math on that: if you use this website for about five hours every single day, then you’re going to be making around $900 a day, which is not bad.
Now, before we start, I’d like to mention that this method is completely free. Anyone can do it; all you need is a PayPal account. If you’d like to make money online, I highly suggest that you subscribe to this channel because I post 24 videos every single week with different money-making methods that you can use to make money online. If you’re not subscribed, I could post a video tomorrow or next week that could change the game for you forever.
Getting Started with Google Translate
So now that you’ve subscribed to the channel and maximized your chances to make money online, let’s get started. Right now, I’m here on the Google Translate website, which is the site you want to head to. All you have to do is go to Google and type “translate.” When you do that, it’s going to pop up this window here. To go to the full website, just click “Google Translate” at the bottom, and it will open the full website for you to browse.
Once you’re on the Google Translate website, all you have to do to translate something is choose the language you want to translate from and the language you want to translate to. For example, if I wanted to translate from English to Spanish, I would type “hello” in English, and it would translate to “hola” in Spanish. It’s pretty straightforward.
Introducing CPA Grip
Now that you know how to translate things easily, let’s move on. We’re going to head over to CPA Grip, which is a website I love because it’s really easy to use to make money. All you have to do is copy your affiliate link from some of the actions it gives you inside the website. Whenever someone clicks a link or enters an email, you earn money from that. It’s really easy to make money using this website, and basically, anyone around the world can use it because it uses PayPal to pay people. I think PayPal works all over the globe, so if you can get a PayPal account, you can use this website.
Registering on CPA Grip
To register, click “Register.” I’m already registered, so it took me to the dashboard. To register, you need an email address, your name, and possibly a phone number. It’s pretty straightforward: username, password, and phone number. There is another video of mine where I show you how to register for CPA Grip. If I’m not mistaken, it was the video where I talk about YouTube Shorts. If you want to see a step-by-step guide, check out that video at the end of this one.
Exploring CPA Grip Dashboard
One of the things you’ll see as soon as you log into this website is it shows you all the people making money using it. For example, this guy made $30,727 with 15,000 leads. This one earned $228, another $336, another $383, and another $1,799. There are lots of people using this site to make money. From personal experience, I know people making hundreds of thousands of dollars using this website.
Once you’re in the dashboard, here are some of the top-performing offers. Today, I’m going to show you how to use this website to make a lot of money in a different way. Go to “Offer Tools,” click “My Offers,” and by default, it knows I’m in the United States, so it shows United States offers. The highest paying offer here is $2.05, which isn’t bad. With a high volume of traffic, you can make a lot of money. But if you want to make $2,000 using these offers, you need to drive traffic from 1,000 people to get $2,000, which not many of you will do unless you’re using other methods I’ve taught, like YouTube Shorts.
Maximizing Your Earnings
What if you could make more than $2 per offer? You need to use top-paying countries with high-value offers. For example, let’s change to a country like France, Italy, or Spain. In France, they have a payout of $23, which is a lot higher than the $2 from the United States. They pay more to incentivize people to use their website in these countries. Let’s check Spain. In Spain, they’re paying $28. Let’s check Italy. In Italy, the highest paying offer is $17.
Today, we’ll focus on Spain. When you look at this website, Spain might not have the highest bid, so you want to look over the highest paying countries. You could check Sweden, Portugal, Australia, Switzerland, Brazil, Egypt, Mexico, etc. Today, Spain is paying the highest, so I’ll choose an offer in Spain. The reason they’re paying so much is that people don’t speak Spanish and don’t promote things in Spanish. Most people only want to promote English offers, and this is where the opportunity lies.
Getting Your Affiliate Link
To get your affiliate link, click the offer. In this case, they’re asking you to enter your phone number for a chance to win. For every person that does this, you earn $28.76. Choose a domain for the tracking domains, like “moralfiles,” and this is your affiliate link. Whenever someone submits their phone number for a chance to win, you get paid. Copy your affiliate link and save it somewhere.
Shortening Your Link
Your link is huge, so go to to shorten it. Enter the long URL, customize the back half with the name of your offer, and create the link. Copy this link and save it. Now, go to, add your website, and paste your Bitly link. In Google Translate, translate the offer title to Spanish. Copy the Spanish text and use it as your ad title. Set the language of your ad and website to Spanish and the country to Spain. Save your ad, and it will be posted to the network. Every time someone performs the action, you earn $28.76.
Driving Traffic
TrafficAdBar guarantees 1,000 visitors to your offer. If 10% complete the offer, that’s 100 people, earning you $2,800. Even if only 10 people complete it, you earn $280, which is still worth it for something that took less than 10 minutes to set up.
To get more traffic, check out my next video on using YouTube Shorts to get millions of views. Click here to be redirected to my next video. I’ll see you there. Work hard, play harder.
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